Å synke = to sink. Å synke – synker – sank – har sunket Example: Arbeidsledigheten synker. = Unemployment sinks. More daily words. Premium homepage.
Et kamera = a camera. Et kamera – kameraet – kameraer – kameraene Example: Hva er det beste kameraet som dere selger? = What is the best camera thatyou’re selling? More daily words. Premium homepage.
Et bilde = a picture/photo. Et bilde – bildet – bilder – bildene Example: Det bildet var veldig fint! = That photo was very nice! More daily words. Premium homepage.
#90 – Politiet tror de har funnet Alice Gross’ antatte drapsmann
Les artikkelen her: http://www.vg.no/nyheter/innenriks/mann-omkom-i-traktorvelt-i-maalselv/a/23301702/. Britisk politi tror liket de fant i ettermiddag er den latviske mannen som er mistenkt for drapet på Alice Gross (14). Politistyrkene som jakter på den latviske mannen som er mistenkt for å stå bak drapet på Alice Gross, fant lørdag ettermiddag et lik i Boston Manor Park vest i London.… Continue reading #90 – Politiet tror de har funnet Alice Gross’ antatte drapsmann
#7 – Hva synes du om boka?
Practice Norwegian pronunciation by listening to sentences in normal tempo and then very slowly, so that you can hear the different sounds. Norwegian: Hva synes du om boka? English: What do you think about the book? More sentences. Premium homepage.
#6 – Alt har en begynnelse og en slutt
Practice Norwegian pronunciation by listening to sentences in normal tempo and then very slowly, so that you can hear the different sounds. Norwegian: Alt har en begynnelse og en slutt. English: Everything has a beginning and an end. More sentences. Premium homepage.
#5 – Hva skal du gjøre i morgen?
Practice Norwegian pronunciation by listening to sentences in normal tempo and then very slowly, so that you can hear the different sounds. Norwegian: Hva skal du gjøre i morgen? English: What are you going to do tomorrow? More sentences. Premium homepage.
#4 – Når starter filmen?
Practice Norwegian pronunciation by listening to sentences in normal tempo and then very slowly, so that you can hear the different sounds. Norwegian: Når starter filmen? English: When does the movie start? More sentences. Premium homepage.
#3 – Jeg kjøpte et nytt skjørt i går
Practice Norwegian pronunciation by listening to sentences in normal tempo and then very slowly, so that you can hear the different sounds. Norwegian: Jeg kjøpte et nytt skjørt i går. English: I bought a new skirt yesterday. More sentences. Premium homepage.
#2 – Jeg skulle ønske at jeg var rik
Practice Norwegian pronunciation by listening to sentences in normal tempo and then very slowly, so that you can hear the different sounds. Norwegian: Jeg skulle ønske at jeg var rik. English: I wish that I was rich. More sentences. Premium homepage.