How do you conjugate Norwegian verbs? What are the rules? In this in-depth article we dive into the world of verbs in the Norwegian language. Happy reading!
The Norwegian Alphabet
Introduction You might have encountered the infamous Norwegian letters æ,ø and å at some point. An example of this can be when you’re learning how to conjugate Norwegian verbs and you then find out that the infinitive marker in Norwegian is in fact å. Another example is when you’re learning the Norwegian colors and discover… Continue reading The Norwegian Alphabet
#2 – Talemålsvariasjon
Talemålsvariasjon Talemål handler om måten vi snakker på. Dette bestemmes stort sett ut i fra hvor man bor og menneskene man har rundt seg. Mennesker som flytter til et sted kan påvirke språket til de som bor der. Et eksempel på dette kan være at etniske nordmenn begynner å snakke “kebabnorsk”. Man kategoriserer gjerne talemålsvariasjoner… Continue reading #2 – Talemålsvariasjon
Norwegian Text – Eventyranalyse av “Herreper”
(This is a Norwegian text categorized as advanced Norwegian and it’s about the Norwegian fairytale Herreper written by Asbjørnsen and Moe. Click here to read other advanced Norwegian texts or study easier ones if this is too difficult.) Eventyranalyse av “Herreper” Eventyret “Herreper” ble gitt ut av Asbjørnsen og Moe på starten av 1800-tallet. Eventyret… Continue reading Norwegian Text – Eventyranalyse av “Herreper”
Ei Or En In Norwegian?
Introduction You might have discovered that books and texts don’t are consequent on the usage of the Norwegian articles ei and en when referring to Norwegian nouns. You might for instance see in one text that a girl is being written as ei jente, while in another text you might find en jente. What is the correct… Continue reading Ei Or En In Norwegian?
Indefinite And Definite Articles In Norwegian
Introduction This article is about indefinite and definite articles in Norwegian. After reading this article you will know what the difference is between indefinite and definite articles, the most common Norwegian articles (or determiners), and how to use them correctly when speaking or writing Norwegian. [toc] What are indefinite and definite articles? Before we discuss… Continue reading Indefinite And Definite Articles In Norwegian
#1 – Jean-Jacques Rousseau – naturmennesket og barneoppdragelse
Introduksjon Jean-Jacques Rousseau var en opplysningsfilosof fra Genève som levde fra 1712 til 1778. I løpet av sin levetid publiserte han mange kjente verk, deriblant «Émile, ou De l’éducation », « Julie, ou la nouvelle Héloïse» og «Les Rêveries du promeneur solitaire». Jean-Jacques Rousseau kom med tanker om mange forskjellige temaer, men jeg har i denne oppgaven… Continue reading #1 – Jean-Jacques Rousseau – naturmennesket og barneoppdragelse
Norwegian Personal Pronouns
Introduction We have learned some basic Norwegian vocabulary in the previous lessons, but we don’t know how to make a sentence in Norwegian yet. Let’s change that. Before we are able to make any sentences, it’s very important that we learn the Norwegian personal pronouns. In this lesson you will learn what a personal pronoun is,… Continue reading Norwegian Personal Pronouns
Norwegian prepositions
How To Inflect Norwegian Adjectives
Introduction You have already learned how to inflect Norwegian nouns. This article will show you how to inflect Norwegian adjectives. [toc] Video about Norwegian Adjectives If you prefer to watch a video instead of reading, you can watch our video on Norwegian adjectives here. The article continues below the video if you want to read… Continue reading How To Inflect Norwegian Adjectives